perl - $array can't print anything -

this program , want let user type matrix line line , print while matrix , can't see matrix

the user type

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 

like this

and want let show

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 

perl program

$num = 3;  while($num > 0 ) {         $row = <stdin>;         $row = chomp($row);         @row_array = split(" ",$row);         push @p_matrix , @row_array;         @row_array = ();         $num = $num - 1; }  for($i=0;$i<scalar(@p_matrix);$i++) {         for($j=0;$j<scalar(@p_matrix[$i]);$j++)         {                 printf "$d ",$p_matrix[$i][$j];         }         print "\n"; } 

i change expression => printf "$d ",$p_matrix[$i][$j]; print $p_matrix[$i][$j] still don't work.

to create multi-dimensional array, have use references. use

push @p_matrix, [ @row_array ]; 

to create desired structure.

also, chomp not return modified string. use

chomp $row; 

to remove newline $row. moreover, chomp not needed @ if split on ' '.

printf uses % formatting character, not $.

you can use data::dumper inspect complex data structures. use strict , warnings avoid common problems. here how write program:

#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict;  use data::dumper;  @p_matrix;  push @p_matrix , [ split ' ' ] while <>;  warn dumper \@p_matrix;  $i (0 .. $#p_matrix)   {       $j (0 .. $#{ $p_matrix[$i] })         {             printf '%d ', $p_matrix[$i][$j];         }       print "\n";   } 


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