algorithm - c++ comparing sum of arrays -

i have 2 arrays each 5 integers, how can compare both of array array larger array b, following code return 0:

#include <iostream> using namespace std;  int main() {     const int amax = 5, bmax = 6;     int i;     bool c1 = true, c2 = false;     int a[amax] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };     int b[bmax] = { 6, 7,8, 9, 1};      (i = 0; < bmax; i++)         if (b[i] == a[i])                    cout << c1 << endl;         else             cout << c2 << endl;     return 0; } 

what missing here?


#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main(){   int a[] = {6,7,29};   int b[] = {3,2,11};   int acc1=0;   int acc2 = 0;   (int i=0;i<3;i++){     acc1+=a[i]; }   for(int j=0;j<3;j++){     acc2+=b[j]; }  if(acc1 < acc2){   printf("array b greater array b "); }  else{   printf("array b greater array a"); }    return 0; } 

you can use built-in algorithm std::equal compare 2 arrays. example:

#include <iostream> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; #define countof(x) sizeof(x)/sizeof(x[0]) int main() {     int a[] = { 2, 4, 1, 5, 9 };     int b[] = { 9, 12, 32, 43, 23};     int c[] = { 2, 4, 1, 5, 9 };     cout << equal(a, + countof(a), b) << endl;     cout << equal(a, + countof(a), c) << endl; } 

output: 0 1


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