oracle - Convert T-SQL INNER JOIN on a Function to PL-SQL -
i have t-sql
view this:
left join fnc_assetattributebytype(3) tmp on a.assetid = tmp.assetid;
is there straight forward way can translate (i'm writing tool programmatically) without creating package
or modifying header of function void other calls in other dml statements?
main questions: 1. can write pl function returns table? 2. if not, should do?
you can create function returns table type, , work on in sql using inside table() clause. user running sql needs execute privilege on function.
sql> create or replace type tp_asset object (assetid number, asset_name varchar2(100), asset_val number) 2 / type created sql> create or replace type tp_tab_asset table of tp_asset; 2 / type created sql> create or replace function fnc_assetattributebytype(p_num in number) return tp_tab_asset pipelined 2 v_tp_asset tp_asset; 3 begin 4 in 1 .. 3 5 loop 6 v_tp_asset := tp_asset(i, 'abc', * 3); 7 pipe row (v_tp_asset); 8 end loop; 9 return; 10 end; 11 / function created sql> select * 2 table(fnc_assetattributebytype(3)) 3 left join table(fnc_assetattributebytype(3)) b on b.assetid = a.assetid; assetid asset_name asset_val assetid asset_name asset_val ---------- --------------- ---------- ---------- --------------- ---------- 1 abc 3 1 abc 3 2 abc 6 2 abc 6 3 abc 9 3 abc 9
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