openerp - How can I send a list of all Open invoices for a partner in an email template? -

how can send list of open invoices partner in email template? there way list invoices partner in email template?, need sent single message every customer have, how can that?, sent message per invoice... time...

you can go below way :

1. create email template :

create new email template using email.template model , set invoice method call using object.your_global_method_name() using res.partner model hear object global entity object res.partner single tone obejct.

2. added new method on res.partner model:

create new method compute open invoices , helpful method in scheduled action call.

3. create scheduled action :

which helpful make automated action remaining open invoice can set interval unit per need , make add method call created in res.partner model.

4. call method on scheduled action : ever method created in res.partner method called on scheduled action call.

5. not forgot set outgoing email configuration , add email setting on each partner (customer) :

i hope answer may helpful :)


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