csom - Event Handler later than OnPublished -

are there project server event handler events later "onpublished"-event when creating new project?

the time when on published event occurs seems to early. loading project fieldvalues not work. null.

publishedproject project = projcollection.first().includecustomfields; projectcontext.load(project); projectcontext.load(project.includecustomfields); customfieldcollection fields = project.customfields; projectcontext.load(fields); projectcontext.executequery();  dictionary<string, object> fieldvalues = project.fieldvalues; 

when executing same code existing project works fine.

instead timeout x seconds prefer later server event values have been set.


seems there wrong other code before executing this. custom fields , fieldvalues loading correctly now.

but loading projectsiteurl afterwards still @ point. projectsiteurl stays null.

projectcontext.load(project, p => p.projectsiteurl); projectcontext.executequery(); 

i used psi not csom , "projectsiteurl" null after first publish(onpublished event). first publish used onwssworkspacecreated event in wssinteropeventreceiver class or interface.


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