Azure Resource Manager - Multiple VM NAT Rules -

i trying create arm template provision multiple webservers directly accessible ports. instance want vm have either port 9001 or 9002 open based on index of vm is.

i struggling frontendport parameter accept function. here documentation have used.

here relevant portion of template looks like:

"inboundnatrules": [ {     "copy": {         "name": "natcopy",         "count": "[parameters('numberofvms')]"     },     "name": "[concat('directhttps-', copyindex())]",     "properties": {         "frontendipconfiguration": {             "id": "[concat(variables('lbid'),'/frontendipconfigurations/loadbalancerfrontend')]"         },         "frontendport": "[add(9001, copyindex())]",         "backendport": 9001,         "enablefloatingip": false,         "idletimeoutinminutes": 4,         "protocol": "tcp",         "backendipconfiguration": {             "id": "[resourceid('', concat(variables('vmnicname'), copyindex()), 'ipconfig')]"         }     } } 


i hoping particular port result in either "9001", or "9002".

"frontendport": "[add(9001, copyindex())]" 

instead, see error in visual studio's intellisense, , when try deploy solution.

vs intellisense error

create template deployment 'deploymenttemplate-0107-1555'. new-azurermresourcegroupdeployment : resource 'webserverlb' failed message 'unable process template language expressions resource '/subscriptions/some random guid/resourcegroups/webservers/providers/' @ line '102' , column '10'. 'the template function 'copyindex' not expected @ location. function can used in resource copy specified. 

long story short, i'm trying have same number of nat rules have vm's in template, , dynamically assign external port number.

please let me know if can provide more information. thank you.

you can ask question on msdn networking forum:, , azure support help.


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