angularjs - How can I create a login page using Ionic 2 framework that then leads to a tabbed view? -

currenty, in app.htmlfile, have:

<ion-tabs>     <ion-tab [root]="tab1root" tabtitle="tab1" tabicon="time"></ion-tab>     <ion-tab [root]="tab2root" tabtitle="tab2" tabicon="paper"></ion-tab>     <ion-tab [root]="tab3root" tabtitle="tab3" tabicon="more"></ion-tab> </ion-tabs> 

and in app.js file, after doing proper imports of these pages, have:

    this.tab1root = page1;     this.tab2root = page2;     this.tab3root = page3; 

i want application open login page, , there progress tabbed view. i'm not sure how logically set in context of app.html , app.js

i'm interested in answers involving ionic 2 (and angular 2.0), not older versions.

in app, define this:

export class yourapp {   rootpage: type = loginpage;    constructor(app: ionicapp, platform: platform) {     platform.ready().then(() => {      });   } } 

in loginpage, should have this:

export class loginpage {     constructor(nav: navcontroller) {         this.nav = nav;     }      dologin() {         if (loginsuccessful) {            this.nav.setroot(yourtabspage);         }     } } 


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