swift - iOS only advertises one service as peripheral BTLE -

ios advertising 1 service despite me specifying 2 service uuid's , services, don't errors, , add service error function called twice, both times without error, code

for uuids in advertisinguuids {     self.mainservicesarray.append(cbmutableservice(type: uuids, primary: true)) }  services in mainservicesarray {     self.peripheralmanager.addservice(services) }  self.peripheralmanager.startadvertising([cbadvertisementdataserviceuuidskey: [mainservicesarray[0].uuid,mainservicesarray[1].uuid]]) 

the rest of code runs fine, in example i've put there advertise first of 2 services, order doesn't matter first 1 advertised second not, uuid's valid services won't advertise them both, i'm sure simple i'm stuck.


the reason second uuid doesn't fit in advertising packet.

the second service still not shown when scan connected device though, thats problem.


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