ios - Updating geometry in SpriteKit (or SceneKit) -

we porting game spritekit , i've run in bit of problem. objects in our game have triangle-strip trails attached them. vertex buffers of trails continuously updated objects move in world create seamless , flowing effect (there constraints on how many vertices in buffer , how emit new vertices).

in previous implementation updated affected vertices in corresponding buffer whenever emitted new vertices. in scenekit seems unable update geometry sources, unless use geometrysourcewithbuffer:vertexformat:semantic:vertexcount:dataoffset:datastride:. however, seems need metal device, command queue , encoder, able submit commands update buffer before renders.

is there way can normal scnview, or have manually cametallayer, creating own metal device etc?

in essence, everything need, bar trail geometry available in spritekit, hoping there way hold of metal device , command queue used skview , use upload geometry. make things a lot simpler.

i've used particle system similar effect. particle emitter attached moving object, particles set fade out , die. might need set emitter's targetnode scene, depending on effect want.

    emitter = skemitternode() = marblenodenames.trail.rawvalue     emitter.particletexture = sktexture(imagenamed: "spark")     emitter.particlealphaspeed = -1.0     emitter.particlelifetime = 2     emitter.particlescale = 0.2     marblesprite.addchild(emitter) 


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