python - Flask-security and Bootstrap -

how can style flask-security login site bootstrap? html form looks this:

<form action="{{ url_for_security('login') }}" method="post" name="login_form">   {{ login_user_form.hidden_tag() }}   {{ render_field_with_errors( }}   {{ render_field_with_errors(login_user_form.password) }}   {{ render_field_with_errors(login_user_form.remember) }}   {{ render_field( }}   {{ render_field(login_user_form.submit) }} </form> 

bootstrap implemented, dont know how edit fields , submit button..

the render_field_* functions accepts class_ parameter, add html classes field. add in bootstrap styling classes want.

render_field_with_errors(, class_="form-control") }} {{ render_field(login_user_form.submit, class_="btn btn-default") }} 

and on.


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