FileMaker Pie Chart Labels Overlapping -

filemaker seems pie charts evenly distributed data points well. while styling options limited in comparison excel, still gets job done. undistributed data it's story. example, if 1 item on pie chart takes 95% of room, , 5 other items take remaining 5%, this:

enter image description here

notice how labels 5 items overlap? wondering if there way around this?

i think, of charting programs struggle output data point labels correctly in case, if can display them @ angle, can't in filemaker.

you can remove data point labels making font colour same background or transparent in chart setup/styles/chart text or unchecking chart setup/chart/options/"show values on chart". instead can enable legend checking "chart setup"/chart/options/"show legend"

if not enough, might consider using 1 of javascript libraries in webviewer display chart (e.g. highcharts).

i checked setup on filemaker 13, 14 chart setup dialogue different.


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