actionscript 3 - GOING MAD SWF ASSETS not loading -

i've read through posts on "swf loading issues" on many sites , nothing helps. maybe environment or tiny thing missed causing loader.content null. swf files in same folder added trusted locations in flash preferences.

i'm using mxmlc -static-link-runtime-shared-libraries build both swf files, 1 main, other assets "images, sounds, , code". loader.progress getting triggered: event.bytesloaded equals event.bytestotal "11303918", content elements null, no class attach. have given on loader.complete, because never triggers locally, it's firefox caching issue; thus, triggering completion through progress bytes.

to protect innocent names have been changed "main, part, , assets", no code has been harmed in writing of post... yet.

10952  main.swf - includes , 11303918  assets.swf - includes 

my flash app simple music mixer. main defines control board. assets provide music, images, , executable code.

all works fine if built single swf. want add preloader because devices cell-phones, load , preloaders entertaining. thus, assets have been placed in own swf loaded main.

here important parts of code: no compiler errors, assume imports exist , variables defined. -- main.swf

package { ...     [swf(scalemode="noscale", widthpercent="100%", heightpercent="100%", framerate="20", backgroundcolor="#000000")] public class main extends sprite { ... function main():void {     if( stage ) { maininit(null); return; }     addeventlistener(event.added_to_stage,maininit);     } private function maininit(e:event):void {     if( e ) { removeeventlistener(event.added_to_stage,maininit); }     stage.scalemode = stagescalemode.no_scale;     stage.align     = stagealign.top_left;     w=stage.stagewidth; h=stage.stageheight;     part=new part(w,h,loadmsg,assetscomplete);     } private function assetscomplete():void {... }}} -- swc built main.swf

package part { ... public class part { ...     private static var stuffloader:loader=null;     private static var stuffclass:class=null;     public static var stuff:*=null; public function part(w:int,h:int,msg:textfield,cb:function):void { ...     if( !stuffloader ) {         var stuffrequest:urlrequest=new urlrequest("assets.swf");         var stuffcontext:loadercontext=new loadercontext(false,applicationdomain.currentdomain,null);         stuffcontext.allowcodeimport=true;         stuffloader=new loader();         stuffloader.load(stuffrequest,stuffcontext);         stuffloader.contentloaderinfo.addeventlistener(progressevent.progress,stuffloading);         //stuffloader.contentloaderinfo.addeventlistener(event.complete,stuffloaded);     }} public static function stuffloading(e:progressevent):void {     welcomebytes=e.bytesloaded;///1024;     welcometotal=e.bytestotal;///1024;     welcome(e.currenttarget);     } public static function stuffloaded(e:event):void { complete(e.currenttarget); } public static function complete(target:object):void { ...     stuffloader.contentloaderinfo.removeeventlistener(progressevent.progress,stuffloading);     //stuffloader.contentloaderinfo.removeeventlistener(event.complete,stuffloaded);     var objectloaderinfo:loaderinfo=loaderinfo(target);      var appdomain:applicationdomain=objectloaderinfo.applicationdomain;          if( appdomain.hasdefinition("assets")) { ...         // false         }     else {...          stuffloader.content; // null         stuffloader.contentloaderinfo.content; // null         objectloaderinfo.content; // null         }     stuffclass=class(stuffloader.contentloaderinfo.applicationdomain.getdefinition("assets")); // null     stuff=new stuffclass(width,height); // crash because null reference     ...     } public static function welcome(target:object):void {     var pct:int=100*welcomebytes/welcometotal;     ...     if( welcomebytes==welcometotal ) { complete(target); } }}} -- assets.swf

package { ... public class assets extends sprite {     [embed(source="../sounds/beep001.mp3")] private static var sndclsbeep001:class;     private static var sndbeep001:sound=new sndclsbeep001() sound;     ... function assets(w:int,h:int):void {...     } public function background(w:int,h:int):void {... }}} 

at end of rope. loader.progress loads bytes, every content null, no hook convert class , access assets embedded therein.

problem solved in comments, code change minor follows.

package { public class assets extends sprite {     function assets():void { . . .         }     public function init(w:int,h:int):void { . . . }}} 

breaking out width , height params separate initialization method.


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