php - Laravel 5.1 Eloquent distant relationship with many to many models -
i have 3 models , many-to-many relationships. environments have many services. services have many serviceroles. return applicable serviceroles of given environment, unsure of may need define in environment model.
in controller have:
public function getserviceroles($id) { $environment = environment::find($id); $serviceroles = $environment->serviceroles; }
my mysql tables , fields follows:
environments [id | name] services [id | name] service_roles [id | name] environment_service [id | environment_id | service_id] service_service_roles [id | service_id | service_role_id]
environment model
class environment extends model { public function services() { return $this->belongstomany('app\service'); } }
service model
class service extends model { public function environments() { return $this->belongstomany('app\environment'); } public function serviceroles() { return $this->belongstomany('app\servicerole'); } }
servicerole model
class servicerole extends model { public function services() { return $this->belongstomany('app\service'); } }
you can use hasmanythrough
relationship query models through intermediary model.
class environment extends model { public function services() { return $this->belongstomany('app\service'); } public function serviceroles() { return $this->hasmanythrough('app\serviceroles', 'app\service'); } }
you should able query environment model of it's service roles.
$environment = environment::with('serviceroles')->first(); // should output collection of servicerole models dd($environment->serviceroles);
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