ios - To change the background color of the cells with the earlier date -

each cell contains date , information(text). default, sorting in reverse order. sorted in reverse order of time. want change background color of cells in cell prior current date.

tableview cellforrowatindexpath :

  let cell = tableview.dequeuereusablecellwithidentifier("cell", forindexpath: indexpath) as! tableviewcell   cell.datelabel.text =   cell.contentlabel.text = stores.content    let today = nsdate()   if today == ( {     cell.backgroundcolor = uicolor.bluecolor()   } else {     cell.backgroundcolor = uicolor.clearcolor()   }    return cell 

your date comparison wrong. use nscalendar compare nsdate day. nsdate extension described here getting difference between 2 nsdates in (months/days/hours/minutes/seconds)

extension nsdate {     // ...     func daysfrom(date:nsdate) -> int{         return nscalendar.currentcalendar().components(.day, fromdate: date, todate: self, options: []).day     }     //... } 

using extension in code:

let cell = tableview.dequeuereusablecellwithidentifier("cell", forindexpath: indexpath) as! tableviewcell   cell.datelabel.text =   cell.contentlabel.text = stores.content    if ( == 0) {     cell.backgroundcolor = uicolor.bluecolor()   } else {     cell.backgroundcolor = uicolor.clearcolor()   }    return cell 


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