How to restart a Wix Managed Bootstrapper Application after a reboot? -
i have managed bootstrapper application written in wix , having trouble handling reboots. far have exe package exitcode
also, in run method have
if (this.command.resume == resumetype.reboot) { model.setwindowhandle(view); this.engine.detect(); //;; //this.engine.quit(model.finalresult); }
this applycomplete event handler
protected void applycomplete(object sender, applycompleteeventargs e) { this.model.finalresult = e.status; if (model.bootstrapperapplication.command.action == launchaction.uninstall) { model.bootstrapperapplication.engine.quit(0); } else { bootstrapperapplication.dispatcher.begininvoke((action)delegate () { bootstrapperapplication.view.close(); }); bootstrapperapplication.dispatcher.invokeshutdown(); e.result = result.restart; } }
as of now, bootstrapper installs exe package , restarts computer without showing dialog box being restarting. also, after computer restarts.. managed bootstrapper not launch itself
how bootstrapper launch after restarting?
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