Uncrustify ignore formatting new line at long objective c method decleration -

i want uncrustify ignore new lines formatted developer config file not this.

what code looks , want unchanged

+ (void)dosometingawesomewithindex:(nsinteger)index                   howmanydayslater:(bool)howmanydayslater                            mybroes:(nsmutablearray *)broes                         completion:(awesomeblock)completionblock 

what uncrustify when formats

+ (void)dosometingawesomewithindex:(nsinteger)index     howmanydayslater:(bool)howmanydayslater     mybroes:(nsmutablearray *)broes     completion:(awesomeblock)completionblock 

i using uncrustify 0.61 , config file http://www.megafileupload.com/edbm/uncrustify.cfg

i suggest https://github.com/square/spacecommander.

possible duplicate of can uncrustify align colons in objective-c method calls?


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