php - get user info via google api client -

i'm recieving token-id android client.
in first step i'm validating token via following code:

            $tokenid = $request->get('token-id');             $google_client = new google_client();             $google_client->setapplicationname("ashojash");             $google_client->setclientid(env("google_key"));             $google_client->setclientsecret(env("google_secret"));             $google_client->setincludegrantedscopes(true);             $google_client->addscope(['', '', '']);             $credentials = $google_client->verifyidtoken($tokenid);             if ($credentials)             {                 $data = $credentials->getattributes();                 // validate aud against server client_id                  return $data['payload']['sub']; // user id             }                return false; 

received data google is:

 array:2 [ "envelope" => array:2 [ "alg" => "rs256" "kid" => "23e5872762976b37944c33e4b2602656093ece91"  ] "payload" => array:12 [ "iss" => "" "aud" => "" "sub" => "111167217866315036918" "email_verified" => true "azp" => "" "email" => "" "iat" => 1452178925 "exp" => 1452182525 "name" => "john f.kenedy" "given_name" => "john" "family_name" => "f.kenedy" "locale" => "en"]     ] 

after i've validated token-id, how user info?
i'm interested in are:
2-user basic information
3-google plus info
i've installed socialite too, if possible include answers socialite too.

using google-api-php-client library, once result $google_client->verifyidtoken can access attributes posted in question.

tested with:

define('root_path', $_server['document_root']); require_once (root_path.'/google-api-php-client/src/google_client.php');   $clientid_debug = ''; $clientid_release = ''; $mtoken = $_post['mtoken']; $build = $_post['build'];  $google_client = new google_client();  if($build=='debug'){    $google_client->setclientid($clientid_debug); }else{    $google_client->setclientid($clientid_release); }  $google_result = $google_client->verifyidtoken($mtoken);   if ($google_result){   $data = $google_result->getattributes();   $tokenuserid = $data['payload']['sub'];   $tokenaudience = $data['payload']['aud'];   $tokenemail = $data['payload']['email'];   //etc..    //send result android client (could use json send attributes)   echo($tokenaudience); } 

call android using asynctask:

protected string doinbackground(string... params) {      try {         //always use https prevent man-in-the-middle attacks!         url url = new url("");         map<string, object> httppostparams = new linkedhashmap<>();          if (buildconfig.debug) {             //debug build             httppostparams.put("build", "debug");         }else{             //release build             httppostparams.put("build", "release");         }          httppostparams.put("mtoken", mygooglesignedinaccount.getidtoken());          stringbuilder postdata = new stringbuilder();         (map.entry<string, object> param : httppostparams.entryset()) {             if (postdata.length() != 0) postdata.append('&');             postdata.append(urlencoder.encode(param.getkey(), "utf-8"));             postdata.append('=');             postdata.append(urlencoder.encode(string.valueof(param.getvalue()), "utf-8"));         }         byte[] postdatabytes = postdata.tostring().getbytes("utf-8");          httpurlconnection conn = (httpurlconnection) url.openconnection();         conn.setrequestmethod("post");         conn.setrequestproperty("content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");         conn.setrequestproperty("content-length", string.valueof(postdatabytes.length));         conn.setdooutput(true);         conn.getoutputstream().write(postdatabytes);          reader in = new bufferedreader(new inputstreamreader(conn.getinputstream(), "utf-8"));         stringbuilder strb = new stringbuilder();          ( int c =; c != -1; c = ) strb.append((char) c);          return strb.tostring();     } catch (exception e) {         //this.exception = e;         log.e("myapp", e.getmessage());         return e.getmessage();     }  } 


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