JointJS manhattan router has lines that are not vertical or horizontal -

i'm using links defined manhattan router. according documentation, lines should vertical , horizontal, of them start or end oblique. can't find how fix them.

on following picture, red , green lines correct, while orange lines not expected.

the code same draw lines. here code orange lines:

var link = new{ source: {     x: rects[item.statusid].mout.x,     y: rects[item.statusid].mout.y }, target: {     x: rects[item.modifystatusid].min.x,     y: rects[item.modifystatusid].min.y }, router: {     name: 'manhattan',     args: {         startdirections: ['top'],         enddirections: ['right']     } }, attrs: {     '.connection': { stroke: mcolor, 'stroke-width': 3 },     '.marker-target': { fill: mcolor, stroke: mcolor, d: 'm 10 0 l 0 5 l 10 10 z' } } 



enter image description here


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