javascript - How to show decimal numbers in d3 radialProgress? -

im using d3 component radialprogress.js

but not possible show decimal numbers, example:

1.37% shows 1%.

is there configuration can change it?



i found function:

function labeltween(a) {     var = d3.interpolate(_currentvalue, a);     _currentvalue = i(0);      return function(t) {         _currentvalue = i(t);         this.textcontent = math.round(i(t)) + "%";     } } 

wich used by:

 label.transition().duration(_duration)                 .tween("text",labeltween); 

the a parameter in labeltween function value on label text. value rounded when labeltween function called.

this not configurable, value rounded in code. need replace

.text(function (d) { return math.round((_value-_minvalue)/(_maxvalue-_minvalue)*100) + "%" }) 


.text(function (d) { return (_value-_minvalue)/(_maxvalue-_minvalue)*100 + "%" }) 

to disable rounding. there few other places needs happen well:


should be



this.textcontent = math.round(i(t)) + "%"; 

should be

this.textcontent = i(t) + "%"; 


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