java - Android SimpleDateFormat returning incorrect time between midnight and 1am -

solved have found between midnight , 1am device returns time 1 hour later (the other 23 hours day returns correctly). more weirdly returns correctly if use kk instead of hh (though resulting string no use me)

code running: (in instance strformat matches hardcoded string in df3)

simpledateformat df = new simpledateformat(strformat,; simpledateformat df2 = new simpledateformat("yyyy-mm-dd kk:mm",; simpledateformat df3 = new simpledateformat("yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.sss",;  date d = c.gettime(); string s = d.tostring(); string ret = df.format(c.gettime()); string ret2 = df.format(new date(system.currenttimemillis())); string ret3 = df2.format(c.gettime()); string ret4 = df3.format(c.gettime()); string r1 = ""+c.get(calendar.hour); 

these return:

s = "thu jan 07 00:39:32 gmt-11:00 2016" ret = "2016-01-07 01:39:32" ret2 = "2016-01-07 01:39:32" ret3 = "2016-01-07 24:39" ret4 = "2016-01-07 01:39:32.525" r1 = "0" 

after 1am these return:

s = "thu jan 07 01:07:09 gmt-11:00 2016" ret = "2016-01-07 01:07:09" ret2 = "2016-01-07 01:07:09" ret3 = "2016-01-07 01:07" ret4 = "2016-01-07 01:07:09.606" r1 = "1" 

any in have done wrong/what going wrong appreciated.


changing code to:

simpledateformat df = new simpledateformat(strformat,;         df.settimezone(timezone.gettimezone("gmt"));         simpledateformat df2 = new simpledateformat("yyyy-mm-dd kk:mm zzz",;         df2.settimezone(timezone.gettimezone("gmt"));         simpledateformat df3 = new simpledateformat("yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.sss zzz",;         df3.settimezone(timezone.gettimezone("gmt"));         date d = c.gettime();         string s = d.tostring();         string ret = df.format(c.gettime());         string ret2 = df.format(new date(system.currenttimemillis()));         string ret3 = df2.format(c.gettime());         string ret4 = df3.format(c.gettime());         string r1 = ""+c.get(calendar.hour);         return ret; 

i same results:

s = "fri jan 08 00:52:05 gmt 2016" ret = "2016-01-08 01:52:05" ret2 = "2016-01-08 01:52:05" ret3 = "2016-01-08 24:52 gmt" ret4 = "2016-01-08 01:52:05.169 gmt" r1 = "0" 


s = "fri jan 08 01:03:23 gmt 2016" ret = "2016-01-08 01:03:23" ret2 = "2016-01-08 01:03:23" ret3 = "2016-01-08 01:03 gmt" ret4 = "2016-01-08 01:03:23.547 gmt" r1 = "1" 

so problem seems unrelated timezone

may have set timezone dateformat objects.

i tried :

    calendar c = new gregoriancalendar(timezone.gettimezone("gmt-11:00"),;     c.set(2016, 0, 7, 00, 39, 32);     date date  = c.gettime();      simpledateformat df = new simpledateformat("eee mmm dd hh:mm:ss zzz yyyy",;     df.settimezone(timezone.gettimezone("gmt-11:00"));     simpledateformat df2 = new simpledateformat("yyyy-mm-dd kk:mm",;     df2.settimezone(timezone.gettimezone("gmt-11:00"));     simpledateformat df3 = new simpledateformat("yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.sss",;     df3.settimezone(timezone.gettimezone("gmt-11:00"));      string ret = df.format(date.gettime());     string ret2 = df.format(date.gettime());     string ret3 = df2.format(date.gettime());     string ret4 = df3.format(date.gettime());      system.out.println("  ret : "+ret);     system.out.println("  ret2 : "+ret2);     system.out.println("  ret3 kk: "+ret3);     system.out.println("  ret4 : "+ret4); 

the result correct :

 ret : thu jan 07 00:39:32 gmt-11:00 2016  ret2 : thu jan 07 00:39:32 gmt-11:00 2016  ret3 kk: 2016-01-07 24:39  ret4 : 2016-01-07 00:39:32.217 


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