extjs - How to optimize adding components to a view? -

first of all, have 1000-1500 records , need show them in grid in custom style. but, first row has contain checkbox , form(combo,textfield), below checkbox. similar to:

row1: checkbox       combo, textfield, textfield row2: checkbox       combo, textfield, textfield ... 

so, not use grid approach(because have use 'colum render function' each row , causes re-render whole grid again if change 1 row).

that's why tried add each component panel dynamically. main problem whenever add components panel, takes long . example, takes 4.5 s 100 records. can't imagine how long take 1500 records.

please check fiddle. understand exact problem. please not forget check console.time:


and sample codes:

console.time('fakegrid');         ext.suspendlayouts();         var fakegrid = ext.create('ext.panel.panel', {             title: 'fake grid panel',             renderto: ext.getbody(),         });            var records = [];         for(var i=0; < 10; i++) {             records.push({                 id: 'check'+ i,                 reg: 'reg' +             })         }          ext.each(records, function(rec) {             var regionpanel = {               xtype: 'fieldset',               collapsible: true,               border: false,               title: rec.reg,               layout: 'vbox',               items: []             };             ext.each(records, function(rec) {                 var hboxpanel = {                   xtype: 'panel',                   layout: 'hbox',                   items: [{                     xtype: 'checkbox',                     boxlabel: rec.id                   }]                 };                 var fakesubpanel = ext.create('ext.panel.panel', {                     layout: 'hbox',                     items: [{                         xtype: 'combobox',                         fieldlabel: 'combo'                     }, {                         xtype: 'textfield',                         fieldlabel: 'field1'                     }, {                         xtype: 'textfield',                         fieldlabel: 'field2'                     }]                  });                 var sitepanel = {                   xtype: 'panel',                   layout: 'vbox',                   //margin: '5 0 0 31',                   items: [hboxpanel, fakesubpanel]                 };                 regionpanel.items.push(sitepanel);             }); //ext.each             fakegrid.add(regionpanel);         }); //ext.each          ext.resumelayouts(true);         console.timeend('fakegrid'); 

if have suggestion, please enlight me ideas. thank much!


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