coldfusion - How do I show multiple tabs using the "read" function for CFSPREADSHEET? -

i show multiple tabs, i.e. multiple sheets, xls file in browser using coldfusion. have logic pretty worked out, i'm not sure if there way it. logic follows:

<cfspreadsheet action="read" format="html" src="test.xls" name="spreadsheet" <cfloop index="i" from="1" to="5"> <!--- or many tabs there ---> sheet="#i#" </cfloop> > <table> <cfoutput> #spreadsheet# </cfoutput> </table> 

now know code doesn't work, looking similar solution. thank in advance.

try putting cfloop around cfspreadsheet

<cfloop from="1" to="5" index="i"> <cfspreadsheet       action="read"      format="html"     src="test.xlsx"     sheet="#i#"     name="spreadsheet"> <cfdump var="#spreadsheet#"><br> </cfloop> 


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