r - Display a googleVis plot in knitr html document -

i'm new using googlevis , have problem don't know how manage. how can display googlevis graphic in html knitr document?, see templates , make code

---  output:    knitrbootstrap::bootstrap_document:         title: "test file"      theme: spacelab      highlight: tomorrow      theme.chooser: false      highlight.chooser: false  ---  ```{r results='asis',echo=false,fig.width=14, fig.height=8,fig.align='center', message=f, warning=f}  load("cltvt.rdata") #<-table data  suppresspackagestartupmessages(library(googlevis))  a4=gvismotionchart(cltvt,                          idvar="cltv",                          timevar="fecha")  print(a4,tag='chart')  ```

but when run code (in rstudio) space plot displayed in blank (when plot directly in r plot displayed without problems) . missing detail run code properly?, help


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