html - Manual wrapping with pre -

i'm trying design page display email messages. have in pre white-space: pre:

 >> donec tincidunt lobortis orci, cursus dui ullamcorper >> vel. praesent vel enim et lectus aliquet laoreet. in tempus >> sodales. 

now, when screen-y small , overflows, don't want use overflow: auto. instead, want wrap automatically this:

 >> donec tincidunt lobortis orci, cursus >> dui ullamcorper vel. praesent vel enim >> et lectus aliquet laoreet. in tempus >> sodales. 

i wouldn't mind using :before if able select text in page , copy email message as-it-is.

okay, let's first try solve simpler version of problem: let's there no ">> " prefix in front of each line. can use white-space: normal, when copy out text, 1 line without line-breaks , undesirable. so, how browser wrap text without losing ability copy out line-breaks displayed?

you use :

pre {  white-space: pre-wrap;        white-space: -moz-pre-wrap;  /* mozilla */ word-wrap: break-word;       /* internet explorer */ } 

but takes care of >> bullet... fiddle here


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