doctrine - Symfony doesn't find pdo_sqlsrv driver -
i have 1 problem doctrine (or server configuration, don't know problem) in symfony2 web. have been looking answer since several days haven't found yet.
i need connect symfony web remote microsoft sql database through doctrine. reason, have added "database_driver: pdo_sqlsrv" param in app/config/parameters.yml, when try execute (in mac) command like:
php bin/console doctrine:database:create
php bin/console doctrine:generate:entities appbundle/entity/product
i following error: [doctrine\dbal\driver\pdoexception] not find driver [pdoexception] not find driver
i have checked phpinfo , driver doesn't appear (only mysql, sqlite). don't know if it's possible add mssql, because in microsoft sql server functions (pdo_sqlsrv) appears needs running on windows.
is not possible access mssql database without windows? (if yes, how can it).
would need windows hosting?
thanks in advance.
i'm using sql server on last project. here i've done make work on dev environment
- install pdo-dblib
- composer require leaseweb/doctrine-pdo-dblib
- configure doctrine use
lib above instead of referingsql_serv
driver_class: lsw\doctrinepdodblib\doctrine\dbal\driver\pdodblib\driver
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