Could not load type 'ServiceStack.Common.Extensions.ReflectionExtensions' -

my question

i encounter exception, message following.

could not load type 'servicestack.common.extensions.reflectionextensions' assembly 'servicestack.common, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=null'. 

my ide visual studio 2012, , ormlite.sqlite.32bit version 3.9.38. got nuget today. tried anyversion ormlite.sqlite nuget, including 32 , 64 bit versions.

my models followings

[alias("ttconfig")] public class config : ihasid<int> {     [autoincrement]     public int id { get; set; }      [stringlength(128)]     public string key { get; set; }     public string value { get; set; } } 

and, run exception when create tables.

ormliteconnectionfactory fac = new ormliteconnectionfactory("data source=ttdb.sqlite;", sqlitedialect.provider); using (var db = fac.createdbconnection()) {      //! when call createtables(), throw exception.      db.createtables(false, typeof(config)); } 

stacktrace of exception.

the stacktrace content following

@ servicestack.ormlite.ormliteconfigextensions.getmodeldefinition(type modeltype) @ servicestack.ormlite.ormlitewriteextensions.createtable(idbcommand dbcmd, boolean overwrite, type modeltype) in c:\src\servicestack.ormlite\src\servicestack.ormlite\ormlitewriteextensions.cs:line 65 @ servicestack.ormlite.ormlitewriteextensions.createtables(idbcommand dbcmd, boolean overwrite, type[] tabletypes) in c:\src\servicestack.ormlite\src\servicestack.ormlite\ormlitewriteextensions.cs:line 42 @ servicestack.ormlite.ormlitewriteconnectionextensions.<>c_displayclass1.b_0(idbcommand dbcmd) in c:\src\servicestack.ormlite\src\servicestack.ormlite\ormlitewriteconnectionextensions.cs:line 17 @ servicestack.ormlite.readconnectionextensions.exec(idbconnection dbconn, action`1 filter) in c:\src\servicestack.ormlite\src\servicestack.ormlite\expressions\readconnectionextensions.cs:line 55 @ servicestack.ormlite.ormlitewriteconnectionextensions.createtables(idbconnection dbconn, boolean overwrite, type[] tabletypes) in c:\src\servicestack.ormlite\src\servicestack.ormlite\ormlitewriteconnectionextensions.cs:line 17 @ ttsampledatagenerator.models.ttdbcontext.checktables() in ....


when update v3.9.39, still crashes. remove , reinstall v3.9.39 version, problem fixed.

same here..

the last commit/merge ( "replaces references 'servicestack.common.extensions' namespace (which obsolete) 'servicestack.common' namespace."

the commit before updating version v3.9.38 (last nuget version = v3.9.39 ?)

so don't know if last nuget package has been upload before commit (you see date not tme ;) ), i've compiled ormlite lastest sources, , works well..


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