vb.net - Cannot update Data in mySQL database -

what want is, check first if id number exist, if exist updating process, problem is, not update. problem ?

sqlconn = new mysqlconnection sqlconn.connectionstring = "server=localhost;userid=root;password='';database=innovative" try     sqlconn.open()     query = "select full_name employee id='" & txt_id_number.text & "'"     cmd = new mysqlcommand(query, sqlconn)     reader = cmd.executereader     if reader.hasrows = false         msgbox("invalid id number please secure  id number exist" & vbnewline & "take note:" & vbnewline & "you cannot update or change existing id number primary key employee, if want change it, better delete employee add again." & vbnewline & "other can change full name, age, contact , etc.", vbcritical)      else         reader.close()         sqlconn.open()         query1 = "update employee set full_name ='" & txt_fullname.text & "', employee_type='" & txt_employee_type.text & "', age='" & txt_age.text & "',sex='" & cb_sex.text & "', status='" & txt_status.text & "', contact ='" & txt_contact.text & "',e_mail='" & txt_email.text & "' id = '" & txt_id_number.text & "'"         cmd = new mysqlcommand(query1, sqlconn)         reader1 = cmd.executereader         msgbox(txt_fullname.text & " updated", vbinformation)         txt_age.text = ""         txt_contact.text = ""         txt_email.text = ""         txt_employee_type.text = ""         txt_fullname.text = ""         txt_id_number.text = ""         txt_status.text = ""         cb_sex.text = ""         add_employee()     end if     sqlconn.close() catch ex exception     sqlconn.dispose() end try 

imports mysql.data.mysqlclient  public class form1     private sqlconn mysqlconnection     private query, query1 string     private cmd mysqlcommand     private reader mysqldatareader      private sub button1_click(sender object, e eventargs) handles button1.click         sqlconn = new mysqlconnection         sqlconn.connectionstring = "server=localhost;userid=root;password='';database=innovative"         try             sqlconn.open()             query = "select full_name employee id='" & txt_id_number.text & "'"             cmd = new mysqlcommand(query, sqlconn)             reader = cmd.executereader             if reader.hasrows = false                 msgbox("invalid id number please secure  id number exist" & vbnewline & "take note:" & vbnewline & "you cannot update or change existing id number primary key employee, if want change it, better delete employee add again." & vbnewline & "other can change full name, age, contact , etc.", vbcritical)             else               query1 = "update employee set full_name = @txt_fullname, employee_type=txt_employee_type, age=@txt_age'"          cmd = new mysqlcommand(query1, sqlconn)         cmd.commandtype = commandtype.text         cmd.parameters.add("@txt_fullname", sqldbtype.varchar, 255).value = txt_fullname.text         cmd.parameters.add("@txt_employee_type", sqldbtype.varchar, 255).value = txt_employee_type.text         cmd.parameters.add("@txt_age", sqldbtype.varchar, 255).value = txt_age.text         cmd.parameters.add("")         cmd.executenonquery()                 msgbox(txt_fullname.text & " updated", vbinformation)                 txt_age.text = ""                 txt_contact.text = ""                 txt_email.text = ""                 txt_employee_type.text = ""                 txt_fullname.text = ""                 txt_id_number.text = ""                 txt_status.text = ""                 cb_sex.text = ""                 add_employee()             end if             sqlconn.close()             reader.close()         catch ex exception                     sqlconn.dispose()         end try     end sub end class 


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