python - Directory issues within Pycharm (free version) & Perforce -

ok, i'm looking switch pycharm pyscripter os independent development. wanted mention i'm using perforce version control.

so double click .py editing in perforce, , pyscripter opens , edit hearts desire. can click on imported function, , it'll open corresponding .py file , bring me right function. awesome.

so have yet able achieve on pycharm. i'm using community version should fine want, editor python checking & built in console.

when set default .py program use in perforce pycharm, click on .py , pycharm fires up. far. problem arises when try "ctrl + click" function or method. "cannot find declaration go to." import associated class & file.

(just example, not actual code). in have "import cars", .py. cars.numberofdoors() , above error. folder structure is:

  • scripts (folder)
    • (general support script)
    • (general support script)
    • masstransit (folder)

so question boils down to, how setup root scripts folder when click on file perforce? how set recognizes it's @ in folder structure? if i'm in masstransit it'll set root scripts folder, , same if i'm accessing general support scripts


file --> open

in pycharm , select scripts(folder) , open it. pycharm treat project , able ctrl + click function.


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