c# - Why can't service host from Unity.Wcf resolve service's instance correctly? -
this question has answer here:
i have unity container:
var unitycontainer = new unitycontainer();
configured follows:
unitycontainer.registertype<iexampledomainservice, exampledomainservice>(); unitycontainer.registertype<iexamplewebservice, examplewebservice>();
type , constructor follows:
[servicebehavior(instancecontextmode = instancecontextmode.single)] public class examplewebservice { public examplewebservice(iexampledomainservice exampledomainservice) { this.exampledomainservice = exampledomainservice; } // ...
and exampledomainservice
has no constructor defined (the problem same when explicitly define parameterless constructor type).
next, explained in unity.wcf's documentation:
if hosting wcf service within windows service using
, replaceservicehost
instance customunity.wcf.unityservicehost
. findunityservicehost
takes in unity container first parameter otherwise identical defaultservicehost
i following:
var host = new unityservicehost(unitycontainer, typeof(examplewebservice), baseaddress);
this throws system.invalidoperationexception
following message:
the service type provided not loaded service because not have default (parameter-less) constructor. fix problem, add default constructor type, or pass instance of type host.
looking @ unityservicehost
implementation @ github passes given servicetype
in case) directly wcf's native servicehost
public sealed class unityservicehost : servicehost { public unityservicehost(iunitycontainer container, type servicetype, params uri[] baseaddresses) : base(servicetype, baseaddresses) ^^^^^^^^^^^ ???????????
which crashes, servicehost
not know unity , container , cannot cope when parameterless constructor missing.
is unity.wcf broken non-was/non-iis hosting or (i hope) doing wrong?
i sorry, can not tell why have exception, hope you.
not need know unity. di done via implementingiinstanceprovider
, registering each service behaviorit work me, here basic application work correctly, maybe can find what's problem on side
public class program { static void main(string[] args) { var container = new unitycontainer(); container.registertype<idependency, dependency>(); container.registertype<ihelloworldservice, helloworldservice>(); uri baseaddress = new uri("http://localhost:8080/hello"); using (servicehost host = new unityservicehost(container, typeof(helloworldservice), baseaddress)) { servicemetadatabehavior smb = new servicemetadatabehavior(); smb.httpgetenabled = true; smb.metadataexporter.policyversion = policyversion.policy15; host.description.behaviors.add(smb); host.open(); console.writeline("the service ready @ {0}", baseaddress); console.writeline("press <enter> stop service."); console.readline(); host.close(); } } } [servicecontract] public interface ihelloworldservice { [operationcontract] string sayhello(string name); } public interface idependency { } public class dependency : idependency { } public class helloworldservice : ihelloworldservice { private readonly idependency _dependency; public helloworldservice(idependency dependency) { _dependency = dependency; } public string sayhello(string name) { return string.format("hello, {0}", name); } }
wcf not call
used. that's why unity.wcf not work it. detailed answer can found here.
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