Xunit plugin (Junit) in Jenkins shows every test case as passed while this is not the case -
xunit plugin has no troubles reading xml
file considers every case passed.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?> <testsuites errors="0" failures="1" disabled="" name="processing.lvproj" tests="1" time="216"> <testsuite tests="3" time="216" name="bad pixel correction.vi" failures="1" errors="0" timestamp="1/01/1904 1:00:00" id="0" hostname="jenkins" skipped="0" disabled=""> <testcase name="test case 1" classname="0" status="failed" time="124" assertions=""/> <testcase name="test case 2" classname="0" status="passed" time="59" assertions=""/> <testcase name="test case 3" classname="0" status="passed" time="33" assertions=""/> </testsuite> </testsuites>
this shows status of first test case "failed" have tried many different things nothing seems work. have idea?
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