android - Collapsing Toolbar Layout expand on click event and not on scroll -
i have simple toolbar info icon item on right. when click on item expand toolbar animation. new view , fab button. textra sms doing.
when clicking outside expanded toolbar, want colapse toolbar.
i looking how can handle collapsingtoolbarlayout? possible? example find on web collapsing/expanding scroll of the view (recyclerview, scrollview etc...). don't want toolbar move when scrolling view.
it way use collapsingtoolbarlayout? or need myself?
seems fine purpose (and believe make layout better 1 in textra sms
you need few things:
a way disable
. best way in opinion (at least best found far) use customcoordinatorlayout
instead of regularcoordinatorlayout
.public class disableablecoordinatorlayout extends coordinatorlayout { private boolean mpassscrolling = true; public disableablecoordinatorlayout(context context) { super(context); } public disableablecoordinatorlayout(context context, attributeset attrs) { super(context, attrs); } public disableablecoordinatorlayout(context context, attributeset attrs, int defstyleattr) { super(context, attrs, defstyleattr); } @override public boolean onstartnestedscroll(view child, view target, int nestedscrollaxes) { return mpassscrolling && super.onstartnestedscroll(child, target, nestedscrollaxes); } public void setpassscrolling(boolean passscrolling) { mpassscrolling = passscrolling; } }
you need disable
(you don't wantcollapsingtoolbarlayout
react scrolls anymore):mdisableablecoordinatorlayout.setpassscrolling(false);
you need use
onoptionsmenu item clickmappbarlayout.setexpanded(true, true);
you need use
on click outside (implement click outside in way feel like)mappbarlayout.setexpanded(false, true);
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