node.js - Using babel with node cluster -

i have simple program developed es6 , transpiled babel.

import kue 'kue'; import cluster 'cluster'; const queue = kue.createqueue();  const clusterworkersize = require('os').cpus().length;  if (cluster.ismaster) {;   (var = 0; < clusterworkersize; i++) {     cluster.fork();   } } else {   queue.process('email', 10, function(job, done){     ...   }); } 

the problem comes when run program

$ babel-node --presets es2015 program.js

the master process run without problem children crash with:

import kue 'kue';

syntaxerror: unexpected reserved word

any idea of how run children babel?

note: 1 option generate dist/ folder code transpiled es5, leave last.

the problem here child processes run under node, not babel-node.

try use babel require hook instead of cli.


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