javascript - How do I make stacked area chart in plotly.js with correct values? -

there example of stacked area chart:

var stacksdiv = document.getelementbyid("mydiv"); var traces = [     {x: [1,2,3], y: [2,1,4], fill: 'tozeroy'},     {x: [1,2,3], y: [1,1,2], fill: 'tonexty'},     {x: [1,2,3], y: [3,0,2], fill: 'tonexty'} ]; function stackedarea(traces) {     for(var i=1; i<traces.length; i++) {         for(var j=0; j<(math.min(traces[i]['y'].length, traces[i-1]['y'].length)); j++) {             traces[i]['y'][j] += traces[i-1]['y'][j];         }     }     return traces; }  plotly.newplot(stacksdiv, stackedarea(traces), {title: 'stacked , filled line chart'}); 

but stacking done manually, values not correct:

enter image description here

when mouse on first vertical line, see values 2, 3 , 6. if in source code, correct values 2, 1 , 3.

is there way stacking area charts correct values?

the original values can used text labels hover info, prior values being summed stacked chart.

var stacksdiv = document.getelementbyid("mydiv");  var traces = [      {x: [1,2,3], y: [2,1,4], fill: 'tozeroy'},      {x: [1,2,3], y: [1,1,2], fill: 'tonexty'},      {x: [1,2,3], y: [3,0,2], fill: 'tonexty'}  ];  function stackedarea(traces) {      var i, j;      for(i=0; i<traces.length; i++) {          traces[i].text = [];          traces[i].hoverinfo = 'text';          for(j=0; j<(traces[i]['y'].length); j++) {              traces[i].text.push(traces[i]['y'][j].tofixed(0));          }      }      for(i=1; i<traces.length; i++) {          for(j=0; j<(math.min(traces[i]['y'].length, traces[i-1]['y'].length)); j++) {              traces[i]['y'][j] += traces[i-1]['y'][j];          }      }      return traces;  }    plotly.newplot(stacksdiv, stackedarea(traces), {title: 'stacked , filled line chart'});
<script src=""></script>  <div id="mydiv" style="width: 480px; height: 400px;"></div>


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