java - Spring security switch to Ldap authentication and database authorities -

i implemented database authentication web page , web service. work both, have add ldap authentication. have authenticate through remote ldap server (using username , password) , if user exists have use database user roles (in database username same username of ldap). have switch actual code ldap , database authentication above explained. code is: securityconfig class

@configuration @enablewebsecurity @enableglobalmethodsecurity(securedenabled = true, prepostenabled = true, proxytargetclass = true) public class securityconfig extends websecurityconfigureradapter {      @autowired     @qualifier("userdetailsservice")     userdetailsservice userdetailsservice;      @autowired     public void configureglobal(authenticationmanagerbuilder auth) throws exception {         auth.userdetailsservice(userdetailsservice).passwordencoder(passwordencoder());     }      @bean     public passwordencoder passwordencoder(){         passwordencoder encoder = new bcryptpasswordencoder();         return encoder;     }      @configuration     @order(1)     public static class apiwebsecurityconfig extends websecurityconfigureradapter{         @override         protected void configure(httpsecurity http) throws exception {              http.csrf().disable()              .antmatcher("/client/**")              .authorizerequests()              .anyrequest().authenticated()              .and()              .httpbasic();         }     }      @configuration     @order(2)     public static class formwebsecurityconfig extends websecurityconfigureradapter{          @override         public void configure(websecurity web) throws exception {             web             //spring security ignores request static resources such css or js files.             .ignoring()             .antmatchers("/static/**");         }          @override         protected void configure(httpsecurity http) throws exception {             http             .authorizerequests() //authorize request configuration                 //the / , /register path accepted without login                 //.antmatchers("/", "/register").permitall()                 //the /acquisition/** need admin role                 //.antmatchers("/acquisition/**").hasrole("admin")                 //.and().exceptionhandling().accessdeniedpage("/access_denied");                 //all path need authentication                 .anyrequest().authenticated()                 .and() //login form configuration others             .formlogin()                 .loginpage("/login")                 //important because otherwise goes in loop because login page require authentication , authentication require login page                     .permitall()             .and()             .logout()                 .logoutsuccessurl("/login?logout")                 .permitall();              // csrf tokens handling         }     } 

myuserdetailsservice class

@service("userdetailsservice") public class myuserdetailsservice implements userdetailsservice {      @autowired     private userservices userservices;     static final logger log = loggerfactory.getlogger(myuserdetailsservice.class);      @transactional(readonly=true)     @override     public userdetails loaduserbyusername(final string username){         try{             com.domain.user user = userservices.findbyid(username);             if (user==null)                 log.error("threw exception in myuserdetailsservice::loaduserbyusername : user doesn't exist" );              else{                 list<grantedauthority> authorities = builduserauthority(user.getuserrole());                 return builduserforauthentication(user, authorities);             }         }catch(exception e){             log.error("threw exception in myuserdetailsservice::loaduserbyusername : " + errorexceptionbuilder.builderrorresponse(e));  }         return null;     }      // converts com.users.model.user user     //     private user builduserforauthentication(com.domain.user user, list<grantedauthority> authorities) {         return new user(user.getusername(), user.getpassword(), user.isenabled(), true, true, true, authorities);     }      private list<grantedauthority> builduserauthority(set<userrole> userroles) {          set<grantedauthority> setauths = new hashset<grantedauthority>();          // build user's authorities         (userrole userrole : userroles) {             setauths.add(new simplegrantedauthority(userrole.getuserrolekeys().getrole()));         }          list<grantedauthority> result = new arraylist<grantedauthority>(setauths);          return result;     } 

so have to:

1)access of user login page web pages , username , password web services. has done through ldap.

2)the username of user needs database query authenticate user. have idea how can implement this? thanks

update right code: following @m. deinum advice create myauthoritiespopulator class instead of myuserdetailsservice , authentication database , ldap works:

    @service("myauthpopulator") public class myauthoritiespopulator implements ldapauthoritiespopulator {      @autowired     private userservices userservices;     static final logger log = loggerfactory.getlogger(myauthoritiespopulator.class);      @transactional(readonly=true)     @override     public collection<? extends grantedauthority> getgrantedauthorities(dircontextoperations userdata, string username) {         set<grantedauthority> authorities = new hashset<grantedauthority>();         try{             com.domain.user user = userservices.findbyid(username);             if (user==null)                 log.error("threw exception in myauthoritiespopulator::getgrantedauthorities : user doesn't exist ats database" );               else{                 for(userrole userrole : user.getuserrole()) {                     authorities.add(new simplegrantedauthority(userrole.getuserrolekeys().getrole()));                 }                 return authorities;             }         }catch(exception e){             log.error("threw exception in myauthoritiespopulator::getgrantedauthorities : " + errorexceptionbuilder.builderrorresponse(e)); }         return authorities;     } } 

and changed securityconfig below:

@configuration @enablewebsecurity @enableglobalmethodsecurity(securedenabled = true, prepostenabled = true, proxytargetclass = true) public class securityconfig extends websecurityconfigureradapter {      @autowired     @qualifier("myauthpopulator")     ldapauthoritiespopulator myauthpopulator;      @autowired     public void configureglobal(authenticationmanagerbuilder auth) throws exception {           auth.ldapauthentication()           .contextsource()             .url("ldap://,dc=com") //          .managerdn("") //          .managerpassword("")           .and()                .usersearchbase("ou=people")             .usersearchfilter("(uid={0})")             .ldapauthoritiespopulator(myauthpopulator);          }      @configuration     @order(1)     public static class apiwebsecurityconfig extends websecurityconfigureradapter{         @override         protected void configure(httpsecurity http) throws exception {              http.csrf().disable()              .antmatcher("/client/**")              .authorizerequests()              //excluede send file authentication because doesn't work spring authentication              //todo add java authentication send method              .antmatchers(, "/client/file").permitall()              .anyrequest().authenticated()              .and()              .httpbasic();         }     }      @configuration     @order(2)     public static class formwebsecurityconfig extends websecurityconfigureradapter{          @override         public void configure(websecurity web) throws exception {             web             //spring security ignores request static resources such css or js files.             .ignoring()             .antmatchers("/static/**");         }          @override         protected void configure(httpsecurity http) throws exception {             http             .authorizerequests() //authorize request configuration                 //the "/" , "/register" path accepted without login                 //.antmatchers("/", "/register").permitall()                 //the /acquisition/** need admin role                 //.antmatchers("/acquisition/**").hasrole("admin")                 //.and().exceptionhandling().accessdeniedpage("/access_denied");                 //all path need authentication                 .anyrequest().authenticated()                 .and() //login form configuration others             .formlogin()                 .loginpage("/login")                 //important because otherwise goes in loop because login page require authentication , authentication require login page                     .permitall()             .and()             .logout()                 .logoutsuccessurl("/login?logout")                 .permitall();         }     } } 

my ldap development environment created in apache directory studio


spring security supports ldap out-of-the-box. has whole chapter on this.

to use , configure ldap add spring-security-ldap dependency , next use authenticationmanagerbuilder.ldapauthentication configure it. ldapauthenticationproviderconfigurer allows set needed things up.

@autowired public void configureglobal(authenticationmanagerbuilder auth) throws exception {     auth.ldapauthentication()       .contextsource()         .url(...)         .port(...)         .managerdn(...)         .managerpassword(...)       .and()         .passwordencoder(passwordencoder())         .usersearchbase(...)                 .ldapauthoritiespopulator(new userserviceldapauthoritiespopulater(this.userservice));       } 

something (it should give @ least idea on what/how configure things) there more options check javadocs that. if cannot use userservice retrieve roles (because roles in database) implement own ldapauthoritiespopulator that.


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