google maps api 3 - Drawing polyline similar to drawing of polyline in DrawingManager -

this how draw polyline click first point , polyline drawn after click second point on map canvas:

sample google.maps.polyline

this how polyline drawn drawingmanager:

sample drawing manager

i'd draw regular polyline same way drawn drawingmanager line continued show move mouse across map canvas.


this works me, 1 important detail specifying clickable: false when constructing polyline, otherwise didn't register click event on map.

<!doctype html> <html>   <head>     <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no">     <meta charset="utf-8">     <title>complex polylines</title>     <style>       html, body {         height: 100%;         margin: 0;         padding: 0;       }       #map {         height: 100%;       }     </style>   </head>   <body>     <div id="map"></div>     <script> var poly; var map; var existingpolylinepath; var temppoly;  function initmap() {   map = new'map'), {     zoom: 7,     center: {lat: 41.879, lng: -87.624}  // center map on chicago, usa.   });    poly = new google.maps.polyline({     strokecolor: '#000000',     strokeopacity: 1.0,     strokeweight: 3,     map: map,     clickable: false   });    temppoly = new google.maps.polyline({     strokecolor: '#ff0000',     strokeopacity: 1.0,     strokeweight: 3,     map: map,     clickable: false   });    // add listener click event   map.addlistener('click', addlatlng);    map.addlistener('mousemove', function(event) {     existingpolylinepath = poly.getpath();      if (existingpolylinepath.length > 0) {         temppoly.setpath([existingpolylinepath.getat(existingpolylinepath.length - 1), event.latlng]);     }   }); }  // handles click events on map, , adds new point polyline. function addlatlng(event) {   var path = poly.getpath();    // because path mvcarray, can append new coordinate   // , automatically appear.   path.push(event.latlng);    // add new marker @ new plotted point on polyline.   var marker = new google.maps.marker({     position: event.latlng,     title: '#' + path.getlength(),     map: map   }); }     </script>     <script async defer src=""></script>   </body> </html> 


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