c# - Using async/await: await returns too early -

i have simly windows forms app button , progressbar on it.

then have code:

private async void buttonstart_click(object sender, eventargs e) {     progressbar.minimum = 0;     progressbar.maximum = 5;     progressbar.step = 1;     progressbar.value = 0;      await convertfiles();     messagebox.show("ok"); }  private async task convertfiles() {     await task.run(() =>      {         (int = 1; <= 5; i++)         {             system.threading.thread.sleep(1000);             invoke(new action(() => progressbar.performstep()));         }     }); } 

the await convertfiles(); returns early, ok messagebox appears @ 80% progress.

what doing wrong?

the problem experiencing not related async/await, use correctly. await not returning early, progress bar updates late. in other words, progress bar control specific problem described in several threads - disabling .net progressbar animation when changing value?, disable winforms progressbar animation, the runworkercompleted triggered before progressbar reaches 100% etc. can use 1 of workarounds provided in threads.


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