sql server - linking OMOperatingUnit table to CompanyInfo in AX 2012 -
my first table temporary return result of companyinfo
, second table temporary return result of omoeratingunit
want link both table don't know how can .so i"m trying test query return 0 record.
select * dirpartytable party inner join microsoftdynamicsax.dbo.dirpartytable common on common.recid = party.recid , common.instancerelationtype = 2376 left outer join microsoftdynamicsax.dbo.dirpartytable omoperating on omoperating.recid = common.recid , omoperating.instancerelationtype = 2377 , omoperating.recid = party.recid left outer join microsoftdynamicsax.dbo.dirpartytable companyinfo on companyinfo.recid = common.recid , companyinfo.instancerelationtype = 41 , companyinfo.recid = party.recid , companyinfo.dataarea = 'usmf'
so there relation between companyinfo table , omoperatingunit table
any body in regards.
ax extended tables saved in sql flatted of extended tables. omoperatingunit fields
in same row in dirpartytable
one record/row can 1 of types. can not mix companyinfo and omoperatingunit.
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