pseudocode - Knapsack restore solution complexity -

in order solve integer knapsack problem, used iterative memorization algorithm (via n*w sized matrix n number of items, , w knapsack's max weight capacity). asked restore solution (the items inserted knapsack) using matrix. we're not sure restore algorithm run time complexity. restore pseudo code follows (where w(j) weight of item j , v(j) value of item j):

**restoreitems(m)**  empty set.  j=n, t = w.  while j>0 , t>0      if m[j,t] = m[j-1,t]          j=j-1      if m[j,t] = m[j-1,t-w(j)] +v(j) , w(j) <= t          = + j          j = j-1          t = t - w(j) return 


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