html - Jquery ToolTip - working but needs tweaking -

i'm using code here :

this seems work fine apart issue table.

my table wide, has on 80 columns , requires me scroll see all. that's fine because of layout works scrolling.

each header has tooltip assigned gives details on column below. again works 1 exception.

the tooltips starts wrap near right hand edge of page, header / tooltip of screen , requires scrolling wrapped.

is there anyway fixed width on tooltip regardless of appears on page in relation right edge ?

this jquery :

/*  * tooltip script   * powered jquery (  *   * written alen grakalic (  *   * more info visit  *  */    this.tooltip = function(){       /* config */                 xoffset = 10;         yoffset = 20;                // these 2 variable determine popup's distance cursor         // might want adjust right result          /* end config */             $("a.tooltip").hover(function(e){                                                      this.t = this.title;         this.title = "";                                               $("body").append("<p id='tooltip'>"+ this.t +"</p>");         $("#tooltip")             .css("top",(e.pagey - xoffset) + "px")             .css("left",(e.pagex + yoffset) + "px")             .fadein("fast");             },     function(){         this.title = this.t;                 $("#tooltip").remove();     });      $("a.tooltip").mousemove(function(e){         $("#tooltip")             .css("top",(e.pagey - xoffset) + "px")             .css("left",(e.pagex + yoffset) + "px");     });          };    // starting script on page load $(document).ready(function(){     tooltip(); }); 

it called using :

<a href="" class="tooltip" title="web standards magazine">roll on tooltip</a> 

and styled using :

#tooltip{     position:absolute;     border:1px solid #333;     background:#f7f5d1;     padding:2px 5px;     color:#333;     display:none;     } 

adding width:150 !important; works, when right of page tooltip disappears off page.

any way make display right left when gets right hand edge ?


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