css - HTML5 alternative for ::-moz-list-number -

this question exact duplicate of:

how define style list numbering in html5, compatible <ol reversed>?

i found ::-moz-list-number works in firefox. know better alternative same?

i totally missed obvious reverse part. looks might need <li><span>item</span></li> , unstyle in <span> styled <li>.

old answer (might useful some).

you can style ::before , add content: counter(somecounter).

ol {   list-style: none;   counter-reset: item; }  ol li::before {   counter-increment: item;   content: counter(item) ". ";   color: red;   font-weight: bold; } 

here's quick demo: https://jsfiddle.net/crswll/toggchgd/1/


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