php - Magento 2: Can't update product stock (quantity) -

i created console command loops through products , attempts update stock quantity. reindex (from command line) after it's completed never changes. on vagrant box has php7 install, , getting "segmentation fault" when got save() method, had change indexer "update on schedule" in admin section , run indexer command line manually, i'm still not seeing product quantity update. there else need in order product save properly?

<?php  namespace myapp\productupdate\console\command;  use symfony\component\console\command\command; use symfony\component\console\input\inputinterface; use symfony\component\console\output\outputinterface; use magento\catalog\api\data\productinterface; use magento\catalog\api\productrepositoryinterface; use magento\framework\api\filterbuilder; use magento\framework\api\searchcriteriabuilder; use magento\catalog\model\product\interceptor; use magento\framework\app\state; use magento\framework\app\objectmanager\configloader; use magento\framework\objectmanagerinterface; use magento\framework\registry;  class updatecommand extends command {     /**      * @var productrepositoryinterface      */     private $productrepo;      /**      * @var searchcriteriabuilder      */     private $searchcriteriabuilder;      /**      * @var filterbuilder      */     private $filterbuilder;      /**      * @var state      */     private $state;      /**      * @var objectmanagerinterface      */     private $objectmanager;      /**      * @var registry      */     private $registry;      /**      * @var configloader      */     private $configloader;      /**      * create new update command instance.      *      * @param productrepositoryinterface $productrepo           [description]      * @param searchcriteriabuilder      $searchcriteriabuilder [description]      * @param filterbuilder              $filterbuilder         [description]      * @param state                      $state                 [description]      * @param objectmanagerinterface     $objectmanager         [description]      * @param registry                   $registry              [description]      */     public function __construct(         productrepositoryinterface $productrepo,         searchcriteriabuilder $searchcriteriabuilder,         filterbuilder $filterbuilder,         state $state,         objectmanagerinterface $objectmanager,         registry $registry,         configloader $configloader     ) {         $this->productrepo = $productrepo;         $this->searchcriteriabuilder = $searchcriteriabuilder;         $this->filterbuilder = $filterbuilder;         $this->state = $state;         $this->objectmanager = $objectmanager;         $this->registry = $registry;         $this->configloader = $configloader;          parent::__construct();     }      /**      * {@inheritdoc}      */     protected function configure()     {         $this->setname('myapp:inventory:update')             ->setdescription('updates product quantities.');          parent::configure();     }      /**      * {@inheritdoc}      */     protected function execute(inputinterface $input, outputinterface $output)     {         $this->state->setareacode('adminhtml');         $this->objectmanager->configure($this->configloader->load('adminhtml'));         $this->registry->register('issecurearea', true);          $continue = true;         $currentpage = 1;         $currentproduct = 1;         $perpage = 1000;          $output->writeln('<info>getting list of products:<info>');          while ($continue) {             $searchcriteria = $this->searchcriteriabuilder                 ->setpagesize(1000)                 ->setcurrentpage(1)                 ->create();              $results = $this->productrepo->getlist($searchcriteria);              if ($results->gettotalcount() == 0) {                 $continue = false;                 continue;             }              $products = $results->getitems();              foreach ($products $x => $product) {                 // $product->setdata('qty', 100); tried this, not work.                 $product->setqty(100);                 $product->sethasdatachanges(true);                  $product->save();                 $output->writeln('<info>updated product: '. $product->getsku() .' | number: ' . $currentproduct . '</info>');                  $currentproduct++;             }              $currentpage++;         }          $output->writeln('<info>updating complete!</info>');     } } 

try code this:

$product->setstockdata(['qty' => $qty, 'is_in_stock' => 1]); $product->setquantityandstockstatus(['qty' => $qty, 'is_in_stock' => 1]); 

it working me. setqty not work since quantity not directly stored in product eav table, uses separate stock_item table


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