percona - Mysqldump broken CREATE VIEW export -

my database backup through mysqldump created wrong source sql query database views. source columns "1". can export view definition using mysql workbench , same db user fine.

here example of view definition produced mysqldump

drop table if exists `my_table_name`; /*!50001 drop view if exists `my_table_name`*/; set @saved_cs_client     = @@character_set_client; set character_set_client = utf8; /*!50001 create view `my_table_name` select   1 `id`,  1 `col1`,  1 `col2`,  1 `col3`,  1 `col4`,  1 `col5`*/; set character_set_client = @saved_cs_client; 

the same thing happens on percona server 5.6.12 , 5.6.25


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