Matlab GUI Scrollbar Available -
does know if can make horizontal , vertical scroll bar in matlab gui (not list box)? depending on resolution of computer may or may not show of figure need able scroll (horizontally in case). how that?
this create figure horizontal scrollbar:
figure plot(1:3); b = uicontrol('parent',gcf,... 'style','slider',... 'units','normalize',... 'position',[0,0,1,0.05],... 'min',0, 'max',1,... 'value', 0);
however, if you, rather make sure figure fits screen , allow user zoom. having graph larger screensize deprives user observing entire graph @ once.
you a) let matlab choose default figure size of figure. user can fullscreen if desired, or b)
screensize = get(groot,'screensize'); figure('position',screensize)
i hope helps.
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