javascript - How do I make a To-Do List, and at 0 elements unchecked remaining to show a button -

i have to-do list made in html, css , javascript, , want show button if 0 elements unchecked remaining. think code should contain variable named "numremaining". have tried in jquery, total failure.

this have tried:

 $(".todo-checkbox").change(function(){     if($(".todo-checkbox:checked").length > 4){         $("#yourbutton").show();     } }); 

this code:

 <html>     <head>         <link rel="stylesheet" href="tomo.css">         <title>tomo</title>     </head>     <body>         <h1>tomo</h1>         <center>             <div id="todo-app">                 <label class="todo-label" for="new-todo">what have today?</label>                 <input type="text" id="new-todo" class="todo-input" placeholder="english homework">                 <ul id="todo-list" class="count-this"></ul>                 <div id="todo-stats"></div>             </div>             <button onclick="myprint()">print</button>          </center>         <script type="text/x-template" id="todo-item-template">     <div class="todo-view">         <input type="checkbox" class="todo-checkbox" {checked}>         <span class="todo-content" tabindex="0">{text}</span>     </div>      <div class="todo-edit">         <input type="text" class="todo-input" value="{text}">     </div>      <a href="#" class="todo-remove" title="remove task">         <span class="todo-remove-icon"></span>     </a> </script> <script type="text/x-template" id="todo-stats-template">     <span class="todo-count">         <span class="todo-remaining">{numremaining}</span>         <span class="todo-remaining-label">{remaininglabel}</span> left.     </span>      <a href="#" class="todo-clear">         clear <span class="todo-done">{numdone}</span>         completed <span class="todo-done-label">{donelabel}</span>     </a> </script> <script src=""></script>  <script> yui().use('event-focus', 'json', 'model', 'model-list', 'view', function (y) {     var todoappview, todolist, todomodel, todoview;  todomodel = y.todomodel = y.base.create('todomodel', y.model, [], {     sync: localstoragesync('todo'),     toggledone: function () {         this.set('done', !this.get('done')).save();     } }, {     attrs: {         done: {value: false},         text: {value: ''}     } });  todolist = y.todolist = y.base.create('todolist', y.modellist, [], {     model: todomodel,     sync: localstoragesync('todo'),     done: function () {         return this.filter(function (model) {             return model.get('done');         });     },     remaining: function () {         return this.filter(function (model) {             return !model.get('done');         });     } });  todoappview = y.todoappview = y.base.create('todoappview', y.view, [], {     events: {         '#new-todo': {keypress: 'createtodo'},         '.todo-clear': {click: 'cleardone'},         '.todo-item': {             mouseover: 'hoveron',             mouseout : 'hoveroff'         }     },     template:'#todo-stats-template').gethtml(),     initializer: function () {         var list = this.todolist = new todolist();         list.after('add', this.add, this);         list.after('reset', this.reset, this);         list.after(['add', 'reset', 'remove', 'todomodel:donechange'],                 this.render, this);         list.load();     },     render: function () {         var todolist = this.todolist,             stats    = this.get('container').one('#todo-stats'),             numremaining, numdone;         if (todolist.isempty()) {             stats.empty();             return this;         }         numdone      = todolist.done().length;         numremaining = todolist.remaining().length;         stats.sethtml(y.lang.sub(this.template, {             numdone       : numdone,             numremaining  : numremaining,             donelabel     : numdone === 1 ? 'task' : 'tasks',             remaininglabel: numremaining === 1 ? 'task' : 'tasks'         }));         if (!numdone) {   '.todo-clear').remove();         }          return this;     },     add: function (e) {         var view = new todoview({model: e.model});          this.get('container').one('#todo-list').append(             view.render().get('container')         );     },     cleardone: function (e) {         var done = this.todolist.done();          e.preventdefault();         this.todolist.remove(done, {silent: true});         y.array.each(done, function (todo) {             todo.destroy({remove: true});         });         this.render();     },     createtodo: function (e) {         var inputnode, value;          if (e.keycode === 13) { // enter key             inputnode = this.get('inputnode');             value     = y.lang.trim(inputnode.get('value'));              if (!value) { return; }             this.todolist.create({text: value});              inputnode.set('value', '');         }     },     hoveroff: function (e) {         e.currenttarget.removeclass('todo-hover');     },     hoveron: function (e) {         e.currenttarget.addclass('todo-hover');     },     reset: function (e) {         var fragment =;          y.array.each(e.models, function (model) {             var view = new todoview({model: model});             fragment.append(view.render().get('container'));         });          this.get('container').one('#todo-list').sethtml(fragment);     } }, {     attrs: {         container: {             valuefn: function () {                 return '#todo-app';             }         },         inputnode: {             valuefn: function () {                 return'#new-todo');             }         }     } });  todoview = y.todoview = y.base.create('todoview', y.view, [], {     containertemplate: '<li class="todo-item"/>',     events: {         '.todo-checkbox': {click: 'toggledone'},         '.todo-content': {             click: 'edit',             focus: 'edit'         },         '.todo-input'   : {             blur    : 'save',             keypress: 'enter'         },         '.todo-remove': {click: 'remove'}     },     template:'#todo-item-template').gethtml(),      initializer: function () {         var model = this.get('model');         model.after('change', this.render, this);          model.after('destroy', function () {             this.destroy({remove: true});         }, this);     },      render: function () {         var container = this.get('container'),             model     = this.get('model'),             done      = model.get('done');          container.sethtml(y.lang.sub(this.template, {             checked: done ? 'checked' : '',             text   : model.getashtml('text')         }));          container[done ? 'addclass' : 'removeclass']('todo-done');         this.set('inputnode','.todo-input'));          return this;     },     edit: function () {         this.get('container').addclass('editing');         this.get('inputnode').focus();     },     enter: function (e) {         if (e.keycode === 13) {    '#new-todo').focus();         }     },     remove: function (e) {         e.preventdefault();;         this.get('model').destroy({'delete': true});     },      save: function () {         this.get('container').removeclass('editing');         this.get('model').set('text', this.get('inputnode').get('value')).save();     },      toggledone: function () {         this.get('model').toggledone();     } });  function localstoragesync(key) {     var localstorage;      if (!key) {         y.error('no storage key specified.');     }      if ( {         localstorage =;     }      var data = y.json.parse((localstorage && localstorage.getitem(key)) || '{}');     function destroy(id) {         var modelhash;          if ((modelhash = data[id])) {             delete data[id];             save();         }          return modelhash;     }     function generateid() {         var id = '',              = 4;          while (i--) {             id += (((1 + math.random()) * 0x10000) | 0)                     .tostring(16).substring(1);         }          return id;     }     function get(id) {         return id ? data[id] : y.object.values(data);     }     function save() {         localstorage && localstorage.setitem(key, y.json.stringify(data));     }      function set(model) {         var hash        = model.tojson(),             idattribute = model.idattribute;          if (!y.lang.isvalue(hash[idattribute])) {             hash[idattribute] = generateid();         }          data[hash[idattribute]] = hash;         save();          return hash;     }     return function (action, options, callback) {         var ismodel = y.model && instanceof y.model;          switch (action) {         case 'create': // intentional fallthru         case 'update':             callback(null, set(this));             return;          case 'read':             callback(null, get(ismodel && this.get('id')));             return;          case 'delete':             callback(null, destroy(ismodel && this.get('id')));             return;         }     }; } new todoappview();  }); </script>         <script> function myprint() {     window.print(); } </script>     </body> </html> 

you can compare number of checked boxes total number of boxes, this:

var $boxes = $(".todo-checkbox"); $boxes.change(function() {     if ($boxes.filter(':checked').length == $boxes.length) {         $("#yourbutton").show();     } }); 


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