hibernate - Mapping association with Composite-id -

i'm new on hibernate, i've doubt how can represent case:

-->table message: - (pk) msgsender -> foreign key table 'user' - (pk) msgdestination -> foreign key table 'user' - (pk) msgdatesend - msgcontent - isreaded

-->table user -(pk) username - ...

this message.hbm:

<?xml version="1.0"?> <!doctype hibernate-mapping public "-//hibernate/hibernate mapping dtd 3.0//en" "http://hibernate.sourceforge.net/hibernate-mapping-3.0.dtd"> <hibernate-mapping>     <class name="message" table="message">         <composite-id name="id" class="messageid">             <key-many-to-one name="msgsender" class="user">                 <column name="msgsender"/>             </key-many-to-one>             <key-many-to-one name="msgdestination" class="user">                 <column name="msgdestination"/>             </key-many-to-one>             <key-property name="msgdatesend" type="double" column="msgdatesend"/>         </composite-id>         <property name="msgcontent" type="java.lang.string">             <column name="msgcontent" />         </property>         <property name="isreaded" type="boolean" access="field">             <column name="isreaded" />     </property>     </class> </hibernate-mapping> 

and pojo's: class message:

public class message implements serializable { /**  *   */ private static final long serialversionuid = -5319468638732762052l; private messageid id; private string msgcontent; private boolean isreaded;  public message() {     this.id = new msgcontentid(); }  /**  * @return id  */ public messageid getid() {     return id; }  /**  * @param id id set  */ public void setmessageid(messageid mid) {     this.id = mid; }  /**  * @return msgcontent  */ public string getmsgcontent() {     return msgcontent; }  /**  * @param msgcontent  *            msgcontent set  */ public void setmsgcontent(string msgcontent) {     this.msgcontent = msgcontent; }  /**  * @return isreaded  */ public boolean getisreaded() {     return isreaded; }  /**  * @param isreaded  *            isreaded set  */ public void setisreaded(boolean isreaded) {     this.isreaded = isreaded; } } 

class messageid:

public class messageid implements serializable{ /**  *   */ private static final long serialversionuid = 1l; user msgsender; user msgdestination; double msgsend;   /**  * @return msgsender  */ public user getmsgsender() {     return msgsender; }  /**  * @param msgsender  *            msgsender set  */ public void setmsgsender(user msgsender) {     this.msgsender = msgsender; }  /**  * @return msgdestination  */ public user getmsgdestination() {     return msgdestination; }  /**  * @param msgdestination  *            msgdestination set  */ public void setmsgdestination(user msgdestination) {     this.msgdestination = msgdestination; }  /**  * @return msgsend  */ public double getmsgsend() {     return msgsend; }  /**  * @param msgsend  *            msgsend set  */ public void setmsgsend(double msgsend) {     this.msgsend = msgsend; } } 

with structure hibernate makes no insert, delete, ... me solve problem?

thanks in advance.


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