android - Saving an Object containing Bitmap -
i'm working on android application (first application-beginner) , i'm trying save data when app closes load again.
the data want store list of books, , each book contains info (author, date, etc) , bitmap containing book's picture. tried using gson convert list json , store in sharedpreferences caused problems because of bitmap.
how should save file , retrieve again when app launches ?
this brief version of code
library class
public class library { private arraylist<entry> library ; public library () { library = new arraylist<entry>(); } public void addentry( entry entry ) { library.add(entry); } public void removeentry ( entry entry ) { if (library.contains(entry)) library.remove(entry); else log.d ( "library" , "entry not found"); } public arraylist<entry> getlibrary() { return library; } @override public string tostring() { return "library{" + "library=" + library + '}'; } }
entry class
public class entry { book book ; final localdate borrowdate; localdate duedate; //some methods application }
book class
public class book implements parcelable { private string title; private string author; private string isbn ; private double rating; private int ratingcount; private int pagecount; private transient bitmap image; private string overview; //some methods }
don't put bitmap in sharedpreferences. save in file.
if need persist bitmap, can assign static field.
you can convert 64 bit string.. bad design (and think slow , expensive operation!):
bytearrayoutputstream baos = new bytearrayoutputstream(); bm.compress(bitmap.compressformat.png, 100, baos); //bm bitmap object byte[] b = baos.tobytearray(); string encoded = base64.encodetostring(b, base64.default);
^ save sharedpreferece. decode:
byte[] imageasbytes = base64.decode(encoded.getbytes()); imageview image = (imageview)this.findviewbyid(; image.setimagebitmap(bitmapfactory.decodebytearray(imageasbytes, 0, imageasbytes.length));
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