javascript - Getting data from client Nodejs -
i made simple server in nodejs. want connect server other application (app in c++) on rasppserypi. i'm making connection , sending datastring raspberry node server.
so there question: how can "catch" data raspberry sending server?
you can use multiple options:
make simple http server. express 1 of used modules http servers in node.js. fast setup , easy use. boost easy use c++ part. how send http request , retrieve json response c++ boost
make tcp connection between them both. can make tcp connection between them both. use boost c++ part , internal net module of node.js
use node.js on raspberrypi well. can run node.js raspberrypi , make client server communication in snippet above. node.js can call c++ program child process.
there many other options should easiest ones. depends on actual use case, want build.
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