c# - silverlight MatchTimeoutInMilliseconds bug : resolve DomainServiceClientCodeGenerator -

silverlight 5 .net framework 4

i trying implement workaround recent bug in ria code generator "matchtimeoutinmilliseconds not found" https://connect.microsoft.com/visualstudio/feedback/details/1988437/generated-code-for-silverlight-references-matchtimeoutinmilliseconds-which-does-not-exist

i'm trying use workaround lazebnyy, can't seem domainserviceclientcodegenerator resolve.

lazebnyy writes:

install riaservices.t4 nuget in webproejct or class library contain the code generation classes. pm> install-package riaservices.t4

create 2 classes

[domainserviceclientcodegenerator(typeof(myservicesentitygenerator),"c#")] public class myservicesclientcodegenerator : csharpclientcodegenerator {     protected override entitygenerator entitygenerator     {                 {             return new myservicesentitygenerator();         }     } }  public class myservicesentitygenerator : csharpentitygenerator {     protected override void generateattributes(ienumerable<attribute>attributes, bool forcepropagation)     {         list<attribute> newattributes = new list<attribute>(attributes);         list<attribute> regularexpressionattributes = (from c in attributes c.gettype() == typeof(regularexpressionattribute) select c).tolist();          newattributes.removeall(delegate(attribute attr)                 {                     return attr.gettype() == typeof(regularexpressionattribute);                 });          base.generateattributes(newattributes, forcepropagation);          foreach (regularexpressionattribute item in regularexpressionattributes)         {             base.write(string.format("[system.componentmodel.dataannotations.regularexpressionattribute(@\"{0}\",             errormessage=@\"{1}\")]\r\n",             item.pattern, item.errormessage));         }     } } 

now hook up, in silverlight project file need tell ria use our generator. have edit silverlight project , add following element inside first propertygroup after linkedserverproject (the order doesn't matter, reference).

<linkedserverproject>..\riaserviceslibrary.web\riaserviceslibrary.web.csproj</linkedserverproject> <riaclientcodegeneratorname>riaserviceslibrary.web.helpers.myservicesentitygenerator</riaclientcodegeneratorname> 


no matter try, can't seem resolve domainserviceclientcodegenerator

  1. i got nuget package riaservices.t4 version 4.2.0,
  2. added references in server side service project microsoft.servicemodel.domainservices.tools.dll microsoft.servicemodel.domainservices.tools.texttemplate.dll
  3. i've included namespaces in code

    using microsoft.servicemodel.domainservices.tools; using microsoft.servicemodel.domainservices.tools.texttemplate.csharpgenerators; using microsoft.servicemodel.domainservices.tools.texttemplate; 

digging through namespaces, can find domainserviceclientcodegeneratorattribute , idomainserviceclientcodegenerator

can tell me how resolve missing domainserviceclientcodegenerator ?

i spent 4 hours in order working silverlight 5 + ria services sp1 project created in visual studio 2012 + windiws 7 + .net framework 4 in visual studio 2015 + windows 10 in order fix error.

initially not working in visual studio 2015 @ all.

so installed visual studio 2013 (complete type installation) + service pack 5 , less errores.

after installed old silverlight stuff wpf toolkit , after opened solution , unique error

silverlight matchtimeoutinmilliseconds bug : resolve domainserviceclientcodegenerator

so without changes of project properties installed .net framework 4.6.2 preview

and error gone!!!

i compiled fine solution , after able compile under visual studio 2015.

i hope time spent someone.


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