c++ - Find pointer to derived class in a table after the object was destroyed -
i have derived
class derived class base
i have std:: container of derived*
pointers (such vector, set, etc...). have base*
pointer , know if container contains pointer.
rtti , dynamic_cast<derived*>(base)
not usable @ point, object may have been destroyed, or may in destructor call chain.
how can check if container contains base pointer?
if static_cast
works, possible.
if new_type pointer or reference class d , type of expression pointer or reference non-virtual base b, static_cast performs downcast. such static_cast makes no runtime checks ensure object's runtime type d, , may used safely if precondition guaranteed other means, such when implementing static polymorphism. safe downcast may done dynamic_cast.
there no checks, static_cast should make correct pointer adjustment.
relies on &base == &derived static_cast
allows compiler return adjustment base if derived class not @ start of object.
could callback occur earlier?
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