sql - How to only pull data from table 1 if table 2 also have data -

my problem is, have 2 tables using shipping , happening. if ca.addr_1 has data fine if there data in c.addr_2 show it. , want if ca.addr has data on line use if lines null use c.addr.

co.ship_to_addr_no addr_no, isnull(ca.name, c.name) name, isnull(ca.addr_1, c.addr_1) addr_1, isnull(ca.addr_2, c.addr_2) addr_2, isnull(ca.addr_3, c.addr_3) addr_3, isnull(ca.city, c.city) city,  isnull(ca.state, c.state) state, isnull(ca.zipcode, c.zipcode) zipcode, isnull(ca.country, c.country) country,  

case when should allow need.

case when ca.addr1 null , ca.addr_2 null , ca.addr_3 null c.addr else when .... 

you can add in many variations using else when need account whatever permutation of address results want select.


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